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Smršajte do Nove Godine metodom 90-30-50! Na zdrav način izgubite kilograme za manje od mesec dana (VIDEO)

Metoda 90-30-50 uključuje konzumiranje proteina, vlakana i zdravih masti na određeni način, čime se omogućava gubitak kilograma.

@dietitianwithtwins The 90-30-50 method has been a total game-changer on my health journey. Comment *90-30-50* and I will send you my FREE guide to getting Fit & Festive in 4 Weeks with my 90-30-50 method ✨ For YEARS I followed restrictive diets and was SO frustrated at my lack of progress. My thyroid levels were extremely imbalanced (my TSH was 18 before starting this method!!!), I had so many cravings, was always tired and I had such a hard time losing weight. Since then, I’ve completely transformed my nutrition plan to follow the 90-30-50 method: – 90 grams of protein – 30 grams of fiber – 50 grams of healthy fats Together, these nutrients work to increase metabolism, support fat-burning processes, promote satiety, balance blood sugar & increase lean muscle mass: ALL of which support optimal health & weight loss goals. Now, my energy levels are high, cravings are non-existent & my body fat percentage is down 2% since last year. Not to mention my Hashimoto’s is currently in remission. I’ve continue to follow this method for over a year now and have been able to maintain these goals. Now, I hope hundreds of clients reach their health & weight loss goals with this method, too. Ready to get started?! Here’s how ?? ✨ Fall Reset Program (FULL PROGRAM includes meal plans, supplement recommendations, downloadable resources, videos & more to guide you through the program) is 30% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Fall Reset Program (MEAL PLANS ONLY; no additional resources) is 10% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! ✨ Winter Reset Program (MEAL PLANS ONLY; no additional resources; access to plans begins on 12/4) is 10% off! All plans follow the 90-30-50 method! First ? in bio for more information about pricing & what’s included in the Fall Reset OR DM me ‘FALL RESET’ for more information about the program!! #bloodsugarbalance #hormonebalance #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #highproteindiet #903050 #weightlossplan #mealplanning #hormoneimbalance #signsofhormoneimbalance #pcosweightloss #prediabetes #insulinresistance ♬ exes – Tate McRae

S obzirom na to da je ostalo manje od mesec dana do Nove Godine, može izgledati besmisleno da sada počinjete sa dijetom.

Međutim, nutricionistkinja Kortni Kesis tvrdi da postoji jednostavan način da smršate nekoliko kilograma, a da ne morate mnogo da se odričete.

Ona tvrdi da ako počnete sada i držite se toga, videćete rezultate do Nove Godine.

Kortni je ovaj način gubljenja kilograma nazvala metodom ’90-30-50′.

Mama dvoje dece rekla je da njena tehnika uključuje unos najmanje 90 grama proteina, 30 g vlakana i 50 g zdravih masti dnevno. Zahvaljujući ovome je za dva meseca izgubila skoro 7 kilograma, bez ikakve muke.

U naslovu nedavnog snimka, Kortni je rekla da je godinama pratila restriktivne dijete i da je bila „toliko frustrirana nedostatkom napretka“, ali joj je metod ’90-30-50′ „potpuno promenio igru“.

@dietitianwithtwins Once I started following the 90-30-50 method, I was able to see consistent results within weeks. By 2 months, I had reached my goal weight (15-pound weight loss) and am able to maintain that weight loss for over a year now. Because the 90-30-50 method prioritizes the 3 most important nutrients for weight loss, I am able to incorporate all the foods I love without it interfering with my results…even throughout the holiday season! Here’s the breakdown ?? ✅ 90 grams of protein *minimum* per day ✅ 30 grams of fiber *minimum* daily ✅ 50 grams healthy fats *minimum* daily If tracking these nutrients and creating a plan to follow sounds difficult & overwhelming, I have even *more* good news! My 4-Week Fall Reset includes FOUR 4-week meal plans that targets weight loss, blood sugar balance and hormone balance by following my 90-30-50 method. Here’s what’s included: ✨ FOUR 4-week plan options available (all plans follow the 90-30-50 method) ✨ Supplement recommendations ✨ Private FB group ✨ Recorded videos on topics like macro counting, tracking, success beyond the Reset and more! Best part?! The Fall Reset is now 20% off with code FALL20 at checkout. BUT, if you’re looking for *just* the plans… ✨ I am now offering the meal plans ONLY option for 50% off of the original price!! ✨ (Fall Reset meal plans ONLY: supplement recommendations and other course materials in the Fall Reset Program not included) The 90-30-50 method has helped hundreds of clients of mine begin to see positive health outcomes within *weeks*… and it’s time for you to start seeing results on your health journey, too. First ? in bio for more information about pricing & what’s included in the Fall Reset OR DM me ‘FALL RESET’ for more information about the program! Can’t wait to help you reach your health goals! #bloodsugarbalance #hormonebalance #weightlosstips #weightlosstipsforwomen #highproteindiet #903050 #dietitiantips #903050method #weightlossrecipes ♬ Le Monde – From Talk to Me – Richard Carter

– Zajedno, ovi hranljivi sastojci rade na povećanju metabolizma, podržavaju procese sagorevanja masti, promovišu sitost, balansiraju šećer u krvi i povećavaju čistu mišićnu masu, a sve to podržava optimalno zdravlje i ciljeve gubitka težine – tvrdi Kortni.

Primera radi, ako imate oko 70 kg, trebalo bi da jedete oko 52,5 g proteina dnevno prema ovoj meri.

Dobri izvori proteina su meso, riba, mlečni proizvodi, jaja, orasi i soja, pasulj, grašak i sočivo.

Što se tiče vlakana, najbolje bi bilo da ih unesete kroz hleb od integralnog brašna, žitarice za doručak od celog zrna, smeđu testeninu ili pirinač, voće, povrće, grašak, pasulj, orašaste plodove, semenke i krompir sa ljuskom.

I na kraju, zdrave masti, poznate i kao nezasićene masti, mogu se naći u biljnim uljima (kao što su maslinovo, repino, suncokretovo, sojino i kukuruzno), orašastim plodovima, semenkama i ribi.



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